*updated* Baby Rayyan Hanin

Assalammualaikum. Alahamdulillah yesterday I went to Amman to meet the new member of Sagol's family; baby Rayyan Hanin (well that is the last name that they call her (owh it's a baby girl)). They're going to change it maybe They already change it. We are so happy for Sagol and Marwah for having such a wonderful kid. Hehehehe. Good job guys.

Well that's all that I have to say. As for me, it still a long run. Maybe in next 7 years or more? Or maybe less. Who knows.
Anyway... best of luck to you guys. And for the rest, hehehehe don't you guys want one? What are you guys waiting for. Go and make your own today (of course through the HALAL way).
Ja-ne ;P
Ikhtilat Sifar

Assalammualaikum. Apa khabar semua? Diharap agar semua sentiasa dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang-Nya.
Alhamdulillah kita semua telah selesai menyambut Eid Adha. Setelah hampir setahun kita berada dalam tahun 1428H nie apakah kita mencapai semua cita-cita kita? Adakah semua resolusi kita telah berjaya? Saya harap agar semua telah mencapai. Kepada yang rasanya belum tercapai tu, masih belum terlewat untuk kita menjayakannya.

Rasanya tahun ini adalah merupakan tahun yang ke-4 saya beraya di perantauan. Setelah hampir 3 tahun lebih mengharungi pelbagai dugaan yang saya rasa mencabar tetapi pada hakikatnya hanya sedikit daripada ketetapan yang telah ditentukan oleh-Nya. Masih banyak lagi perkara yang perlu saya pelajari untuk berjaya. Pelajaran yang semakin bertambah membuatkan jiwa ini semakin tertekan. Tetapi siapalah kita untuk mempersoalkan ketentuannya. Apa yang boleh kita lakukan hanyalah berdoa agar dikuatkan semangat untuk mengharungi hari-hari mendatang. Dan tidak dilupakan juga usaha untuk mencapainya.

Bercerita tentang tajuk entry ini, ikhtilat. Semua pastinya tertanya-tanya apakah itu IKHTILAT? Ya suatu perkataan yang agak asing bagi kebanyakkan pengunjung. Ikhtilat itu adalah perkataan arab yang bermaksud pergaulan. Dalam Islam pergaulan yang dimaksudkan adalah pergaulan antara dua jantina yang berbeza. Bukan semua ikhtilat itu adalah haram. Tetapi masalahnya manusia ini memang hakikatnya akan suka melakukan apa yang dilarang. Istilah ikhtilat yang saya maksudkan di sini adalah pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan tanpa batasan.

Semenjak kebelakangan ini kita lihat masalah ini semakin membiak. Bukan sekadar orang dewasa, bahkan kanak-kanak sudah pandai. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan terdapat pelbagai punca dan faktor yang menyumbang kepada perkara ini. Tetapi pada saya perkara yang benar-benar menyumbang kepada perkara ini adalah asas agama yang tidak kukuh di dalam diri. Mungkin ramai akan berkata saya ini hanya pandai berkata-kata. Dan mungkin saya ini terlalu idealistik. Tetapi inilah masalah masyarakat kita. Tidak berani untuk melakukan perubahan. Tidak berani untuk mengatakan tidak kepada perkara yang tidak baik. Semuanya hanya berdiam diri sahaja apabila berlaku sesuatu masalah. Untuk tidak mengelirukan, mari kita lihat situasi masyarakat Malaysia sekarang. Remaja semakin ramai yang suka berpeleseran. Semakin ramai yang terjebak dengan sindrom 'couple'. Semakin ramai yang terlibat dengan gejala sosial. Dimanakah peranan ibu bapa? Mereka hanya pandai menunding jari kepada pendidik. Inilah masalahnya apabila ibu bapa menswastakan pendidikan anak-anak kepada guru.

Dengan ibu bapa yang semakin sibuk, peranan mereka sebagai pendidik semakin kabur. Semuanya diserahkan bulat-bulat kepada guru. Tetapi apabila guru-guru merotan anak-anak, mereka akan melenting. Itulah antara sebab mengapa anak-anak semakin liar. Dengan ibu bapa yang sibuk dan kuasa guru untuk mendidik semakin berkurangan. APALAH HENDAK JADI DENGAN DUNIA YANG SEMAKIN MAJU. Mungkin pengunjung yang pernah membaca entry saya sebelum ini, ada saya mengatakan bahawa kemajuan dan gelaja sosial itu seiring. Ya, memang benar. Tetapi perkara ini hanya benar jikalau pendidikan asa iaitu cintakan AllAH tidak diterapkan ke dalam diri anak-anak seawal umur baligh. Bila itu berlaku maka akan jelaslah kelihatan apa yang saya maksudkan dengan ikhtilat itu. Istilah yang asing tetapi makna yang sudah sebati dengan masyarakat kita. Bila kebaikkan tidak lagi disanjung dan keburukkan itu menjadi kebanggaan.

Cuba kita renungi kembali. Jikalau kita tidak mahu generasi akan datang (anak-anak kita) semakin jauh terpinggir, maka kita haruslah memulakan langkah untuk melakukan kebaikkan dan memperbaiki diri dan masyarakat kita. Semoga usaha kita untuk memperbaiki diri ke arah kebaikkan dan diberkati-Nya. Marilah sama-sama kita berusaha kearah ikhtilat sifar.


Wikipedia anyone?

Alhamdulillah, once again I made it. I'm able to update this blog. LOL.
After awhile with nothing to write here I am once again to write something into this blog. I just finished my midterm exam on GIT (gastrointestinal tract system). And the result is out. And again, I failed to do my best (and this time I'm pretty sure of it).
No more excuses should be given. Time and space had been given. Yet I failed to utilize them to the fullest. I don't know what to say anymore. The only thing that I can do right now is study harder, pray and do my best in the coming system and the final. May Allah guide me through my way.

Recently, my friend had launched a portal for PERMAI (and you can visit them through this link). And he made me one of them admin. I don't know why but I really enjoy working them. It's really interesting. Because there's a lot of things that we can play around. Not to mention some of them really cool. I've been dreaming about this portal since I was in high school. But my laziness caused me to forget this thing since it needs you to really understand all the script running. Yet my friend made it. Cheers for Arep! Yeay!

As for this coming month, PERMAI will held Eid Adha celebration. And insyallah this year I'm going to join. Well there's nothing more to say. Just to all my friends who are on holidays right now, don't forget us. To those having exams coming, keep studying like there's no tomorrow. And for those who had graduated and now on training, hurm.... what should I say; we already choose this path. There's no turning back now. It's now or never.

Till next time. Wassalam....
Newly Design UNITEENZ's logo

Design by Huzaifa Yamin. Please leave your comment or what ever that you think will help with the design. Thank You.
Connecting to The World

Assalammualaikum and good day everyone. Alhamdulillah thank to AllAH for all of His blessing and graciousness that I'm still here to write this thing that I had in my mind. I haven't been updating my blog for awhile now because of few occasions that I shouldn't mention here. But to put it simple just knew that I'm a busy person. With so many things going through my head recently, I really have no idea what I'm gonna do about it. Should I just let it be, or should I do something about it?
Well that just my loneliness talking. Hahahaha.....

But there's so many interesting event happening recently. I'll let you guys know some of them and the rest I guess better left in the shadow. First of all this year I didn't go anywhere except to be here in Irbid for my Eid holidays. Since I have an exam coming a week after the Eid. So I decided to stay. Plus there's like 350 Malaysian students this year at this very moment. So this just add to my list of 'Why senior should stay in Irbid during Eid'. Hahahaha funny.

Then the exam come. Alhamdulillah I passed with a slight of joy. Don't ask me why cause I'm telling no one why. Then have this one special guest from Malaysia cycling around 7 continents. He goes by Qobin or his real name is Muqorobin or something like that. We had a nice chat. And he's really something. I mean his really good at his stuff. And this made me wonder, what am I best at? The only thing that I knew is sleeping. Yeah. You can call master of that. If you guys didn't believe me, you should ask my friends. If I'm watching movies with them, after 5 minutes the movie start I'll be long doze off.

But then this one special ocation happening. One of my friend asked my to 'put on some intelligent on this girl I knew-and-must-not-speak-of-her-name-here', cause he think he's in love with her. I don't know what to say. Well I've asked around, and in the end I told him to get someone else to get it done. It's not that I don't want to help with. It just that I don't think that I'm qualified to do it for many reasons. Ok enough about that.

And afew days ago I've recieved two laptops that need to be reformat. But just today I got an opportunity to do it. But it turn put that I had problems with it. So I have to wait until later today to get the job done. Hope that I won't screw things up this time. Hahahaha... Always love to experiment things. Well curiousity kills the cat.

I guess that'a all for now. I'm gonna call it off for now. But let by gone be by gone. We cannot turn back the time. But one thing that we can change is our self. Always remember this one proverb that I kinda made it, 'what doesn't kill you make you suffer'. Till then, off.

At PERMAI Eid Celebration Night

Me, Fird, Aizat with newly weded couple ; Aiman and Asma'

With boys of 2004. May we remain together forever
Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak everyone. Jordan will be celebrating Eid a day ealier than Malaysia.
To all my friends out there, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
May all that we had gain in Ramadhan will be always with us. May the Madrasah of Ramadhan had shape us into a good muslim and may the coming years will be as interesting as this one. Hoping to meet Ramadhan again.

Here I would like to take this opportunity to pass my forgiveness to all of my friends out there. And if I had ever done anything that is wrong, please forgive me for I'm just a small guy who had nothing in this world to repay every mistakes that I've done. And last but not least, Eid Mubarak Kullu 3am Wa Entum Bi Kheir ( Eid Mubarak, May health, wealth and all the good things will happen to you).
Is this the end?

28th of Ramadhan 1428H.

Is this end of Ramadhan?
Will it end like this? What have we done for the past 4 weeks?
Are we really doing things that we supposed to do? Or just laying around doing things that we shouldn't do?

All answer we can get it within ourself. To tell the truth is that I don't thing I really had embraced Ramadhan this year. Why? I just don't know why. Probably because there's deep in me there's something that really bother me. I don't know what. But one thing that I know, I just flunked my entire holy month like that.

Owh I know I had missed all the fun part of being in Ramadhan. I should just do everything that I supposed to do instead of everything that I wasn't supposed to do. Well that just so me. I don't really see where I'm heading these days. I really don't know why. Am I missing my family? I doubt that. Maybe missing my friend? Well I don't think so. Maybe I'm in love? Well you must be kidding right? Hahahahahahaha.....

Anyway I just don't feel like myself. I just feel that I'm just a person that's so out of this place. Out of this field. I don't think that I didn't entitled for all this luxury life and blissful situation. Or maybe I don't deserve anything that really nice. For me I really think I should start thinking of increasing my effort. Or should I just surrender? I don't know. I wish that someone could tell me what to do.

With the coming Eidul Fitr, I'm wondering will I be a good person? And the questions continue........

But only one thing that I hope will get me the answer, "I hope that this won't be the end of my life, for I haven't done what I supposed to do"

-Hoping for an answer-

Ramadhan Kembali lagi.

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, dipertemukan kita sekali lagi dengan Ramadhan tahun. Setelah hampir setahun berlalu selepas Ramadhan yang lalu, kita masih diberi nikmat untuk bertemu dengannya sekali lagi. Tetapi adakah kita bersedia menghadapinya? Apakah persediaan yang telah kita lakukan untuk menghadapinya?

Inilah sepatutnya soalan yang perlu berada dalam fikiran kita. Bukannya apa yang nak dimasak untuk berbuka. Atau nak buat kuih apa untuk raya tahun nie? Perspektif kita tentang Ramadhan perlu diperbetulkan. Ramadhan itu adalah suatu bulan yang seharusnya kita jadikan masa untuk kita membersihkan diri dari dosa-dosa. Suatu masa untuk kita mengambil iktibar daripadanya. Untuk kita jadikan panduan sepanjang masa. Sebagai peringatan untuk diri yang sentiasa alpha dan leka.

Alhamdulillah, sehingaa hari nie, dah hampir dua minggu pulang dari tanah air. Terima kasih atas segalanya. Dikesempatan pulang ke Malaysia telah banyak membuka mata tentang kehidupan ini. Kehidupan ini tidaklah seindah yang kita harapkan. Tetapi adalah suatu kenyataan yang harus diterima oleh semua orang. Mereka yang tidak dapat menerima kenyataan inilah yang selalu hanyut dengan godaan duniawi. Memang benarlah dunia ini hanya sebagai suatu persinggahan buat sementara waktu sahaja.

Pelbagai isu dapat kita lihat dalam akhbar semenjak kebelakangan ini. Dan yang paling merunsingkan adalah kes penderaan seksual dan pembunuhan adik Nurin. Suatu keadaan dimana menggambar betapa kita telah kembali ke zaman jahiliyah. Cuba kita lihat kembali, siapakah yang harus dipersalahkan? Dimanakah silapnya? Inilah hakikat yang berlaku di Malaysia hari ini. Seperti kata pepatah inggeris It's like the tip of an iceberg. Kejadian ini hanyalah sebahagian hakikat masyarakat Malaysia.

Kemajuan dan keruntuhan akhlak diibaratkan berlaku secara seiring. Cuba kita lihat negara-negara maju seperti Jepun, US, England, Perancis. dan Jerman. Memang negara mereka maju. Itu adalah suatu yang tidak dapat kita nafikan. Tetapi kemajuan itu sendiri telah menyebabkan kita mengorbankan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang selama ini amat dititik beratkan oleh Islam. Inilah akibatnya apabila kemajuan yang kita perolehi tidak disandarkan dengan Islam. Kita telah menjadi semakin sekular; memisahkan kehidupan harian dengan agama. Sebenarnya Islam adalah suatu cara hidup. Bukan sekadar agama. Islam meliputi segalanya. Dari urusan dunia sehingga ke alam sana.

Cuba kita renungi kembali diri kita ini. Dalam kita mengejar kejayaan dunia adakah kita menyandarkannya dengan Islam? Adakah kita memahami Islam? Adakah kita telah melakukan amalan yang cukup untuk kita ditempatkan di tempat yang baik di alam sana? Semuanya kembali kepada kita sendiri. Jadi ambilah kesempatan dalam bulan Ramadhan ini untuk kita memperbaiki diri agar menjadi insan yang sempurna. Semoga apa yang kita kejar selari dengan kehendak Islam. Semoga selamanya kita berada dalam perlindungan-Nya.

Ramadhan Kareem....
Problems. You got a problem son?

Problems are something that everyone will be facing or have been or what ever. But here's the question, does it bother you? Well I guess I already know the answer, sure it does. Well guys face it; it's something that you cannot run away from. Even if you run away from it, it'll keep coming back to you. No matter what you do, where you are. So why run away from problems? Don run away, face it. Even if it takes time to resolve.
I'm writing here not as a counselor or motivator. I'm writing here as a person who happened to have a lot of problems. You hear that, a lot. Well I used to run away from all of my problems. Seeking other route to evade them. But in the end it keeps coming back. So we must solve it before getting to another level.
Let take study as an example. For most of the people think that study is a problem. Well it'll be a problem if you don't overcome it. There's a thousand of ways to make study interesting and not a problem. But the real problem is ourselves. We never choose to make it interesting. We rather choose to be bored by it. So is that your problem or someone else? There's a lot of other things out there that you'll face someday that gonna be more problematic than right now. Like whomdo you want to marry with. What you wanna do in the future. Where you gonna live afterwards. If you treat them as a life and death situation, I guess you'll be dead by now.
So why do we have to burden our self thinking about it. Live free (but not totally cause we still bounded by Quran and Sunnah). Always look on the bright side of life. Live your life to the fullest. Do what ever you want, and the most important thing is you have to face your problem. Not running away from it. Remember my friends, we are what we are. Allah had created all of us unique. So stop whining about your miserable life. Live it. Embrace it. Don't let anything come between you and your creator. For we are gonna come back to Him someday. As for Muslim, we do have Allah always by our side. Even if he didn't give what we want, that doesn't mean that He's not there. He's there. Maybe what we ask is something that wasn't meant for us. So why bother yourself about it. For He has planned everything for us. Even this entry had been planned even before I was born.
So to make it simple and clear, solve the problem before it consuming you and your entire life. Don't let anything haunting your life.


Assalammualaikum and good day everyone.
Alhamdulillah I just finished my 2nd exam yesterday which was satisfying. Thank Allah for HIS bless. Even though I still have like one week to the final. So many things to be done. So many people to talk to. So many events that I can even remember any of them until the day.
It has been a week since Acab n Che Mie left Jordan. Really feel something different around here especially to Sakan peeps. Well that's how the world work. Everything that come must go. Never be in the same place for a long period of time. Even when we enjoy it we have to move. But that's the beauty of this life. The dynamics that create a better us. Shaping us into something that we may never had thought before.
I still got like two weeks before going back to Malays. Being here for a long period of time really made me something that even myself can't imagine. Maybe fo others a year and half is like a short period of time, but for me it still something that I may say 'terrible'? LOL. Well alhamdulillah finally I'm going home after a year of frustration. That's why people always say "expect the unexpected". I never knew the real meaning. But now I know the concept. Never feel safe with what you have. Never ever proud with what you are. Always stay down to earth for one day we are going back to the earth.
It may seems a bit late. Still other people can benefit from what have I feel. Never have to do the same mistake again peeps. Remember "learn from other mistakes cause we don't have too much time to learn all by ourself". As long as we understand our religion, with Allah's will everything gonna be ok. Always practise virtue for it will make you somebody. Never judge people by their appearance (maybe sometime it's acceptible), cause people nowadays never act like themself.
Last but not least, to those who still confused why we are here just remember to look yourself in the mirror for that will answer the question.


Assalammualaikum.... dan salam sejahtera kepada semua. Semoga semua sentiasa dalam rahmat dan kasih-sayang-Nya. Semoga kita semua sentiasa berada dalam perlindungan-Nya. Apa khabar iman kita hari nie? Adakah lebih baik dari semalam? Ataukah lebih teruk dari semalam? Semua itu adalah suatu soalan yang seharusnya kita sentiasa tanyakan pada diri kita sendiri. Sedarkah kita setiap detik usia kita bertambah, kita sebenarnya semakin menghampiri mati?

Mungkin sekadar peringatan untuk rakan-rakan sekalian tentang hakikat kehidupan kita nie. Apakah sebenarnya tujuan kita dijadikan di muka bumi nie? Adakah untuk bersuka ria? Untuk berkasih-kasihan? Adakah untuk mencari apa-apa yang dapat memuaskan keperluan diri? Ataukah untuk memenuhi tugasan sebagai seorang hamba? Ini adalaha suatu soalan yang sepatutnya kita tanyakan pada diri. Adakah kita telah memenuhi segala keperluan untuk mencapai tujuan kejadian kita...

Mungkin diri ini tidak sesempurna untuk bercerita tentang perkara sebigini. Tetapi diri nie sentiasa berpegang kepada suatu perinsip yang mungkin bagi orang lain agak pelik, " Tidak salah kita berusaha untuk menjadi sempurna. Tetapi adalah amat tidak sesuai jikalau kita tidak berusaha untuk menjadi sempurna".

Pernah pada suatu hari sewaktu dalam perjalanan pulang ke Malaysia saya bertemu dengan seorang doktor yang baru pulang dari menziarahi Eropah. Kami berkenalan ketika sedang menunggu pesawat yang akan membawa kami pulang ke tanah air yang tercinta. Sewaktu itu saya sedang membaca buku The Ideal Muslim yang saya beli sewaktu pergi melawat ke Mesir pada awal tahun 2005. Dia bertanyakan apa yang sedang saya baca. Jadi saya tunjukkan kepada dia buku yang sedang saya pegang. Kemudian keluar dari mulut seorang doktor yang saya rasa kurang sesuai. Iaitu dia berkata buat apa membaca buku sedemikian. Kalau baca pun tak akan sempurna. Agak terkejut juga saya kerana perkataan sebegitu keluar dari mulut seorang professional. Hurm.... mungkinkah beliau telah kecewa? Ataukah ada sesuatu yang membuatkan dia merasa begitu?

Tapi apa yang saya cuba sampaikan adalah, apa salahnya jikalau kita cuba berusaha untuk menjadi sempurna? Ya memang saya yakin dan percaya takkan ada orang yang sempurna dalam hidup nie. Tapi apa salahnya kalau kita mencuba. Bukannya kita menyakiti orang lain. Mungkin inilah salahnya masyarakat kita hari nie. Sekadar merasa cukup dengan apa yang ada. Sebagai contoh dalam mengejar ilmu, tidak salah untuk kita menjadi seorang yang tamak. Tamak untuk mencari ilmu. Tetapi pastikan apa yang kita lakukan itu kita fikirkan. Itulah mengapa kita sewaktu kecil dihantar untuk belajar ilmu agama di masa akan datang kita mampu untuk menilai sesuatu itu dengan ilmu dan agama. Di dalam dunia ada pelbagai benda. Jikalau diri kita tidak bersedia untuk menghadapinya, kita akan tenggelam di dalamnya.

Oleh itu pesanan saya kepada rakan-rakan semua agar kita sentiasa berfikir apa yang kita lakukan........ Kerana ingatlah setiap apa yang kita lakukan akan memberi impak kepada kita. Tidak kira positif atau negatif. Semakin hari diri kita ini menghampiri mati. Adakah kita telah bersedia untuk menghadapinya? Tepuk dada, tanyalah iman sendiri.....

Renungan bersama untuk semua dan diri nie......

Assalammualaikum... Alahmdulillah thank to AllAH The All Mighty that had given me yet another day to go through. Yesterday was history. Tomorrow is something that we still don't know. But today, today is something that surely full of suprises and events. Still it's something unique. Something that neither we nor other people will know what'll happen to us. So what a Malay wisdom words used to say, "Sediakan payung sebelum hujan" which means always be prepared with anything that may come. There's nothing much happened for the last few weeks. The only major things is PERMAI Annual General Meeting in which I had been selected (or voted by the members to become Secretary General). And I think that's all.

And to Ninah, I'm really sorry for not being able to complete the Tag u sent to me. Maybe I'll try to do it after I've finished my Immunology test which will be held on this Tuesday. Well this is one subject that I have 'thing' about it. Since I cannot afford another failure, I'll try my best to beat it. May AllAH help me in this journey. To everyone else, who had started their summer holidays enjoy your holiday. And to those who had to attend summer classes, be patient cause eveything happen with a reason. And the reason is something that we had to figure out ourself.

Last but not least, to those who read this blog I really appreciated your visit and thak you very much for all the support you guys had given. Maybe I cannot return the favour now, but InsyAllah someday if I were give the opportunity I'll do my best.

And a special note to the Pengantin-to-be, may your marriage is something that will make you guys a better person. And do show people here and in Malaysia that marriage is not something that will ruin your life. Instead, it's something that will make people stronger and better. But remember, you can achieved all the fore mentioned things if you do it through Islamic ways. Islam is not just a religion, actually it's something that had to do with our everyday life.

Till then, wassalam...
More Than WordsTidak adakah rasa kesal dalam hatimu??!!
Astaghfirullahalazim..aku beristighfar panjang..Suara itu sungguh jelas, cukup jelas untuk membangunkanku dari tidur yang kian hari kurang lena.. Ku kesat peluh didahi.. Panas.. Malam yang panas,sepanas siang dengan terik sinar matahari.. Tambah panas dengan suara-suara bisikan yang kerap hadir di minda.. Membangunkan ku ketika lena, menyentakku ketika jaga..
Aku bingkas bangun.. segelas air dituang, niatnya mahu menghilangkan dahaga.. Tapi, dahagakah aku? Atau sengaja ingin menafikan apa yang sebenarnya terbuku dihatiku.. Sekian lama peristiwa tersebut.. kini genap setahun sudah berlalu.. Aku melabuhkan punggung di kerusi.. Entah apa yang bermain di fikiran ku, hanya Tuhan yang tahu.. Kepalaku ligat berfikir,mengingati kembali fasa-fasa hidupku yang berlaku pada hari-hari yang sama dengan waktu kini.. Cuma bezanya, tahun..
Mataku tajam merenung sekeping kertas kecil terselit di bawah tafsir al-Quran diatas meja.. Ia sekeping tiket.. tiket yang akan membawaku ke sebuah majlis makan malam tahunan.. Entah mengapa, acara tahunan yang begitu dinantikan oleh kebanyakan pelajar, bagai tidak menarik seleraku.. bukan sahaja tidak menarik selera, bahkan menimbulkan pula rasa yang bercampur-baur.. risau, takut, gementar, cuak.. Mataku masih merenung tepat tiket itu.. ingin ku capai.. tapi bagai dihalang naskhah tafsir al-Quran.. Lantas minda ku mula mengingati dgn terperinci peristiwa yang berlaku hampir setahun lepas..
Dani..oi Mat Dani..Meh sini jap..Ko join kitorg arrange bahagian performance mase dinner nanti ok x? Alaa.. kerja simple je.. kita pilih orang untuk perform, lepastu bagi briefing sikit.. haa lebih kurang macam tula .berfikir sejenak.. Ooo..Layan ajela.. aku orait jepersetujuan ku beri tanpa berfikir panjang.. bukan tidak mahu berfikir tentang baik buruknya.. Cuma memang hatiku tidak terbuka untuk memikirkannya.. bagi ku ia hanyalah satu tugas.....
Kau bertugas untuk siapa??!!
Ahhh.. keluhku sendirian.. kalau bukan kerana tugastersebut.. pasti tidak wujud perasaan yang ku alami kini.. Majlis tersebut memang penting, kerana bermula dari majlis itulah telah bercambah pula majlis-majlis yang seumpama dengannya.. Timbul rasa bangga dihatiku, dapat menjadi pioneeratau pembentuk acuan untuk persembahan pada satu majlis yang besar. Memang benar, tugas sebagai ajk persembahan untuk sesuatu majlis memang mudah.. Mudah dalam erti kata membuat pilihan untuk mereka yang berminat membuat persembahan.. Asalkan menarik dan cukup latihannya,maka terpilihlah.. Mana yang hanya bagai melepaskan batuk ditangga, jangan haraplah.. Terlintas di kepala senarai peserta-peserta yang dipilih untuk membuat persembahan pada majlis tersebut.. ada yang mempersembahkan kugiran, sajak, pentomin.. dan tidak ketinggalan juga tarian.. Saat itu, hatiku bergetar semula, panas dirasakan..
Tika itu, pada fikiranku, tiada yang tidak kena pada pemilihan peserta untuk tarian.. kerana matlamat asalnya untuk mengumpul segala jenis tarian masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum, Melayu, Cina dan India..Jadi, dipilihlah sebuah kumpulan tarian dari bangsaku sendiri, iaitu dari saudara-saudari seagamaku sendiri.. Niat asalnya hanyalah mahukan sebuah persembahan yang mempersembahkan tarian asli Melayu.. hanya itu matlamat asalku..
Tapi matlamat tidak pernah menghalalkan cara!!!!
tersentak.. suara itulah yang kerap kali mematikan lamunanku.. menyedarkanku dari angan kosongku, menggetarkan seluruh tubuhku.. Ku teguk air yang kian kontang.. Fikiran ku melayang mengingati peristiwa yang berlaku hanya beberapa hari sebelum majlis itu berlangsung..
Danial, boleh tak kami nak berjumpa dengan awak dan rakan-rakan yang terlibat menguruskan persembahan untuk dinner nanti.. Di surau ya?.

"Ada hal penting ke? soalku.. Iya,sangat pentinglantas berlalu meninggalkanku. Dialah Ummu, salah seorang penggerak usrah di tempat belajarku.. Memang sudahku duga tujuan dia ingin menemui kami, pasti tentang persembahan pada dinner tersebut.. Isy, adela tu yang tak kena pasal persembahan.. aku dah agak dah.. diorang ni, ade je yang tak boleh.. bisik hati jahilku.. Sesungguhnya, tiada yang kurisau tentang pertemuan itu.. Iyalah, masakan tidak.. Aku tidak mempunyai masalah untuk berdialog, mahupun berbahas.. mungkin mewarisi darah seorang pensyarah dan motivator.. mulutku cukup lancar berbicara, apatah lagi jika bertikam lidah.....
Alangkah baiknya jika kelancaran lidahku bertutur disulami ilmu pengetahuan agama yang tinggi dan kukuh.. pasti membuahkan hujah-hujah yang cukup ilmiah.. Malangnya.. demi menegakkan pendapat dan pengetahuan yang serba-serbi jahil..
Kalau boleh.. korang cubela stop atau tukar tarian dari sahabat-sahabat kita tu.. Paling kurang pon, terhadkan pesertanya dari kalangan lelaki sahaja pinta Ummu dgn harapan tiada rakan-rakan perempuan yang mengambil bahagian dalam tarian..
Bukannya tak boleh, tapi nanti hambarla persembahan tu.. sebab penyerinya memang perempuan pantas sahaja lidahku menjawab.
"Ini bukan soal berseri atau tidak Danial.. ini soal halal, haram & maruah agama..Lagi yang paling penting,maruah & kehormatan wanita tu sendiri.. Awak pun tau, sudah terang dinyatakan oleh agama, wanita tak boleh menari di khalayak ramai, membuat gerakan-gerakan yang boleh menimbulkan syahwat dan keinginan buruk orang terhadapnya . Sedang sesama perempuan pun ada batasnya, apatah lagi dihadapan bukan mahram dan kaum yang bukan seagama dengan kita.. di mana maruah Islam ?? semakin keras mempertahankan hujahnya..
"Alaa..kitorang dah cakap kat mereka, pakaila pakaian yang bersopan.. No dedah2.. kitorang pon dah fikir pasal benda-benda macam tu sekali lagi kejahilanku terserlah..
Maaf, bukan nak rosakkan plan, tapi semua tu pun sahabat-sahabat kita kan..kami takkan minta bende ni kalau bukan atas dasar sayangnya kami pada mereka, tak sanggup mereka di azab Allah kelak dek sikap tutup mata kami..Dia tidak putus asa memujuk.
Camnila, kitorang susah nak cancel atau tukar tarian diorang, ramai yang demand nak tengok sebab diorang tu bagus.. kitorang akan try cakap supaya dilimitkanla segala benda yang agak-agak tak sesuaipantas ku membuat kesimpulan, tidak memberi peluang nur Ilahi singgah dihatiku..wajah Ummu merah, muram penuh kekecewaan..

Tidak malukah kau dengan Tuhan yang Agung??
Astaghfirullah! aku tersentak.. panas makin kurasakan, kesal makin menebal. Kalau ku bentuk acuan untuk persembahan pada majlis yang pertama tersebut tanpa disertai tarian, pasti tidakkan ada lagi saudara seagamaku yang meneruskannya pada tahun ini.. Tapi, dek kejahilanku pada masa lalu, dek kerana ingin mencapai matlamat duniawi yang serba lagha, kini kemestian adanya tarian dalam majlis seumpama itu bagaikan wajib..(Dan apabila dibacakan kepadanya ayat-ayat Kami, dia berpaling dengan menyombongkan diri seolah-olah dia belum mendengarnya, seakan-akan ada sumbatan di kedua telinganya, maka gembirakanlah dia dengan azab yang pedih 31:7..) Ya Allah, terasa sungguh berat beban yang ku pikul.. Adakah bisa Kau mengampuniku?? Aku terduduk kaku..
Perbualan singkatku dengan Rahim pagi tadi ku rasakan menambah lagi beban dosa seberat gunung di bahuku... Wei Dani..ko ade dengar citer tak.. dengarnye, diorg nak buat belly dancing untuk dinner tahun ni.. pergh.. gile betul ar, dah nak jadi ape aku pon tak tau..... kelu..... lidahku yang begitu lancar berbahas dengan Ummu lebih setahun yang lalu kini kelu.. jadi bisu.. Ey Dani, ko ok x ni? asal semacam je aku tengok.. rilek ar.. diorg nk buat tu diorg punye pasalla.. asalkan xde budak-budak kite tengok ujar Rahim bagaikan mengerti isi hatiku..

Persoalannya.. benarkah nanti tiada rakan-rakan seagamaku yang akan melihat acara maksiat itu? Atau adakah mereka akan terpaku dan terhibur, dan meminta pula untuk diadakan semula untuk tahun berikutnya?.........
Tidak terasa beratkah dosa yang kau pikul??!!

Aku pasrah.. tunduk dan mengakui kerdilnya diri ini berbanding Allah yang Maha Esa.. Sesekali timbul rasa kesal, kepada Ummu dan rakan-rakannya.. Hati ini kerap ingin menghulur kemaafan.. kalau diri ini tidak sejahil aku yang dulu, pasti tidak ku bahas nasihatdan niat murni mereka.. tapi seringkali niat untuk memohon maaf terhenti.. bukan kerana ego seorang lelaki.. tetapi kerana terlalu tebalnya muka, malu untuk berkata-kata.. Di saat ini hanya Allah yang bisa mendengar bisikan hati rapuh ini.. Dialah juga tempat ku pohon keampunan, semoga diringankan beban yang kupikul ini.. Semoga..
Kakiku mengatur langkah ke bilik air.. Seluruh anggota wudu ku siram dengan air dingin malam.. menyapu wajah yang penuh malu.. menyuci anggota tubuh yang terasa sangat kotor..Jika ku sedar hakikat kejadian diri ini dari seketul tanah yang kotor,pasti tidakkan ku biar lidahku berbicara lebih laju dari ayat-ayat Yang Maha Esa..namun itu semua sudah berlaku..dan aku bernafas dalam jiwa yang sudah tercemar..Semoga Allah mengampunkan kesalahanku.. Semoga Allah membuka hati mereka yang masih tertutup.. Semoga Allah membantu Ummu dan rakan-rakan yang sentiasa memperjuangkan peraturan Allah.. dan.. Semoga Allah meletakkan hati ini tanpa dapat digoncang lagi oleh angan dunia.. agar bisa ku menjadi tenteraMu.. Amin......
Pada hari engkau akan melihat orang-orang yang beriman lelaki dan perempuan, betapa cahaya mereka bersinar di depan dan di samping kanan mereka, (dikatakan kepada mereka) Pada hari ini ada berita gembira untukmu, (iaitu) syurga-syurga yang mengalir dibawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Demikian itulah kemenangan yang agung
Pada hari orang-orang munafik laki-laki dan perempuan berkata kepada orang-orang yang beriman, Tunggulah kami! Kami ingin mengambil cahayamu. (Kepada mereka) dikatakan, Kembalilah kamu kebelakang dan carilah sendiri cahaya(untukmu). Lalu di antara mereka dipasang dinding (pemisah) yang berpintu. Di sebelah dalam ada rahmat dan diluarnya hanya ada azab

Orang-orang munafik memanggil orang-orang mukmin, Bukankah kami dahulu bersama kamu? mereka(org2 mukmin) menjawab, Benar,tetapi kamu mencelakakan dirimu sendiri, dan kamu hanya menunggu, meragukan (janji Allah) dan ditipu oleh angan-angan kosong sampai datang ketetapan Allah, dan penipu(syaitan) datang memperdaya kamu tentang Allah..... 57:12-13

Good bye internet and friends

PokJat and Me at Nabawi Mosque, Madinah on a fine morning ;P

Assalammualaikum and good day everyone.
Alhamdulillah I just arrived from Makkah the day before yesterday. So far everything is doing great. Alhamdulillah I've recieved all the result and thank again to HIM for his blessing. Even though the result wasn't really great, but I'm glad that I made it. Nothing more to tell.

Well just to let you guys know that I won't be around the internet for awhile since I'm going to move to a new house. So thank you very much for reading this humble blog. To all friends who already in Malaysia, wishing you guys a happy holidays. Don't forget me when you guys having reunion or anything together. To all graduates, congratulations. Omedeto. I got nothing to give. But as a token of appreciation from me, I would like to dedicate to all of the again CONGRATULATION.

The following are the first Malaysian graduates of Jordan Unversity of Science and Technology (J.U.S.T):
1) Muhammad Ashraf
2) Wan Muhammad Ruzaimi
3) Hakimah
4) Julie Eilena
5) Puteri Wan Seri Bani
6) Shuhada
p/s: if there's any misspelling please forgive me.

And last but not least, to all my friends who are going to clinical year next year congratulations. Do your best. Never let anyone left behind again. Enough is enough. I pray that we all will be successful for the Ummah. And till then, wassalam....
HolidayAssalammualaikum and good day everyone. Alhamdulillah I've finished my last examination for the semester. So far everything is going so well. Yet I still need to double my effort when it comes to studying. Even the result is good, but for me it still not so good. And right now I've started my mid semester holiday. With 21 days to lay around, I've decided to perform umrah. As this is my second time, I hope it'll be better than before. As Imam Ghazali used to say, "Tomorrow must be better than today, and today must be better than yesterday. If today still the same as yesterday, we all are losers". (I'm sorry for the translation, because I can't find the exact words that he used.)

Before I forgot, I want to congratulate all seniors that passed the final year exam and already on the road to a bigger journey. To them who didn't make it, never feel sad. If you want to feel, so take your time. But don't take it too long. There still a lot of other stuff to do. Just remember this moment. May it be something that will keep you working harder for the rest of your life.

For all of my friends, I would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday. Use them wisely. Plan your holiday. So you won't regret in the end. May all the best be with you. As for everyone, thank you for your support. InsyAllah we'll be better day by day. Never forget your worst moment of your life as it will be your motivation to keep walking toward. May Allah bless us all with His mercifulness and graciousness.

Till we meet again someday.
Respiratory System is shuting downAssalammualaikum.....

Hi everyone. Thank you for visiting my humble blog. Which has nothing related to my study ov even yours. There's nothing really interesting to read, or to see. Not like the others. I keep this blog for personal things. Insyallah I'll try to set up some informative blogs so that everyone can get benefit from. Maybe links or article that I can get my hand on about current technologies and infromation about medcine. Or even place that people can come and write their oppinion about it.

As for today, I've taken my mid paper for Respiratory System which is very disappointing. I guess I know what happen. So it's up to me now to repair them in two days time before the final which is on this Saturday. Insyallah I'll try my best.

There's nothing much to write about. Yet so many things happening around me. Insyallah when I found some free time I'll try to write some more. Here I'll share with all of you guys the new settings, for those who wanna use w.bloggar blog editor for their blog. (Just found it today after a few months of searching through the net since the blogger have change their settings).

getting w.Bloggar to work with Blogger Beta

Till then, ma3a salamah...

Selamat Hari Guru....

Semoga segala jasa yang cikgu2 semua curahkan akan dibalas oleh-Nya.

review on eMedicine site


Alhamdulillah and thank to AllAH for all of His bless and ni3mat to me and all of my friends. Today I'm not going to write anything about myself, my family even about my friends. I'm going to give you guys (especially to those who's reading medicine) a cool website where you can test your knowledge and diagnosing skills. Even though we didn't cover it yet in class, we still can use our previous knowledge and what we have learn in classes.

Here I give you eMedicine. It's a site where you can look almost all things about medicine. It's like a bible to a doctor to be. Hurm..... I've been the member of this site for quite sometimes. But recently fall in love with it. LOL.... It got a lot of useful information about almost everything. From the rare of the commonest to the commonest of the rare. Just like all-in-one bargain.

If you don't believe it, try it for yourself and then tell me all about it. I hope it'll help us in continuing our journey to become a great muslim scholar in medical field. Never fell ashamed to asked people and to talk to people. Cause sooner or later we have too. Be ready for anything that may come in the middle of our journey. May all of our efforts will be counted as good deeds, With AllAH's will....

And to all teachers and teacher-to-be Happy Teacher's Day. May Allah repays you with his blessing and wealth. I'll pray that you'll always in his eyes....

Turning 21


Alhamdulillah dah masuk 21 dah pun tahun nie. Alhamdulillah kerana masih dipinjamkan pelbagai nikmat daripada-Nya. Beberapa hari selepas birthday arituh kena plak amek exam ntuk CVS (cardio-vascular system). Sistem kedua ntuk semester nie. Result, hurm......... rasanya kurang menarik ler. Sepatutnya dapat lagi banyak. Alhamdulillah diberikan nikmat. Tapi sepatutnya dapat lebih. Tapi apa-apa pun bersyukur......

Tak tau nak citer aper sangat. Bukan reti sangat bercerita. Kalau dedulu time sekolah rendah boleh ah masuk pertandingan bercerita dan dapat johan. Sekarang nie rasanya mendengar dan membaca kisah orang lagi menarik kot daripada kisah sendiri. Biarlah kisah aku hanya aku, Dia dan "kamu" sahaja yang tahu.... (Amacam, mengancam x ayat? hir3)

Aper lagi ek nak bercerita... Owh arituh adik aku dapat masuk Matrik. Guess what? Hahahaha aku rasa dalam family aku nie cam ada tradisi kot. Pasal dier dapat masuk Matrik Gambang. Sama ngan aku. Sebenarnya sebelum dia masuk ke SHAH Pekan dlu pun dia masuk SMKA Pahang kat ngan umah aku. Sama cam aku dan adik aku yang bongsu. So kire cam dah jadi cam tradisi kot. Nges3.... Harap2 nyer dier dapat menjadi terus cemerlang dalam apa jua bidang yang dia nak masuk nanti. Insyallah berjaya nyer.....

Dan sekarang nie kat Irbid dah pun masuk musim panas. So bahang semakin dirasai. Mata pun makin kabur (akibat sinaran susuk badan manusia yang semakin jelas kelihatan. Walaupun cuba mengelak, tetapi tidak dapat dihalangi lagi. Inilah dugaan berada di tempat orang). So sekarang nie dah start ngan sistem terakhir ntuk semester nie iaitu RS (Respiratory System). So kena tinggkatkan lagi usaha untuk memperolehi kecermelangan demi AllAH, agama, bangsa dan negara. Dan tidak lupa juga untuk pulang ke Malaysia pada bulan 8 nanti untuk bertemu dengan kekasih hati..... (jeng jeng jeng....). Paperpun kepada semua, teruskan berusaha mencapai kecermelangan.....

p/s: bebudak final year dah abes kelas skang nie. dia orang tengah tunggu ntuk exam final. kepada semua, semoga berjaya dengan cemerlang... semoga mencapai cita2. dah balik Malaysia nanti jangan lupakan kita orang kat snih. Doakan kejayaan kami plak. Dan tunggu kepulangan kita orang nanti ek.....

11 Rules of Life

Life is not fair - get used to it.

The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with car phone, until you earn both.

If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your
grandparents had a different word for burger flipping
they called it Opportunity.

If you mess up,it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Your school may have done away with winners and losers,but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get
summers off and very few employers are interested in
helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

Television is NOT real life. In real life people
actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

p/s: even if some of the rules are not applicable, still most of them are true. so get a grip and don't get drown by the current of this world. get back to reality. then you'll understand...

Sanah Helwah Abah....

Abah and Mama......


Today, 28th March 2007 mark the 46th birthday of my beloved and the only father...
Born on 28th March 1961, in Kerdau which located in Termeloh's district, Pahang. Being a father wasn't really an easy job. Since your children will have different character and things. So as today, I'm really appreciate what he has done for me for the past 21 years. Thank dad, I never know how to pay back all your deeds. The only way that I know right now is to study hard and to make you proud of me. Insyallah I'll try my best to give the best out of me.

Let me tell all of guys why my dad is so special to me. Well first of all, he's my dad for sake. Lol ;p. Second, he's the best role model for me. FYI we never have any maid in our house. Since the day my dad married my mom, they both work hard and help each other in doing house chores (since both of my parents working). Up till now, he still do the chores, even he's now a public officer in the local municipality. He always do the laundry. Well maybe that's the only thing that he knows how to do ;P. But still he do it with all of his heart. That's one thing I do admire about him. And many other things that he had done. I don't think that I should write everything here. And even more, he's a cool dad!!!

And for you my dad, as we all getting older each day, each seconds we should increase our effort to be the best. We should never surrender to this world. Love yourself and love your family. Insyallah you'll be with the men who had been promised with heaven and everything inside it. With AllAH's will...

In Memory of Abd Halim Amran (1986 - 2007)

Abd Halim Amran (1986-2007)


Just recieved a message today saying that one of my schoolmate, Abdul Halim Amran passed away yesterday drown in Perak. Then one of my friend send my the link to a local newspaper regarding the incident.

Well he's one of the bright student back in SMAP. Always full of enthusiasm of learning and getting know things. He's really good at chess. Yet he's very shy. Never ever let people get angry with him. All of my high school years, I seldom talk to him. Maybe a few times. Last year I meet him at a PUTRA station. I can't remember which station. But there I meet him and we exchange phone number and had a few talk. Since he's so busy as Malaysian Medical Student. So i don't bother about it. Well maybe AllAH loves him more. That's why he call him back. I don't have anything else to say. Just a word or two. And the only thing that I can help right now is to recite doa for him and this entry to honor him. May you'll be placed with the good people which HIM had promised heaven as their reward.

Halim in memory

2 Al-Battani 2000

Form 3 2001

the entry about the incident in local newspaper:

Bakal doktor mati lemas

TAIPING: Kegembiraan 11 penuntut Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) mandi-manda di pusat perkelahan Sungai Sempeneh, Batu Kurau, dekat sini, berakhir tragedi apabila seorang daripada mereka mati lemas manakala seorang lagi cedera selepas dihanyutkan arus deras, petang semalam. Mereka adalah sebahagian daripada 45 pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) itu yang mengikuti projek anak angkat bersama keluarga di Kampung Repuh, Batu Kurau. Mangsa yang mati lemas adalah pelajar perubatan, Abd Halim Amran, 20, dari Seremban, Negeri Sembilan manakala Mohd Shahrol Suondah, 20, dari Kuala Lumpur cedera di tangan dan dihantar ke Hospital Taiping (HT) untuk rawatan. Seorang rakan mangsa berusia 20 tahun yang enggan namanya disiarkan, berkata sembilan pelajar lelaki dan dua perempuan berusia 20-an, pergi berkelah ke pusat perkelahan itu kira-kira jam 3.30 petang, semalam. Katanya, ketika mereka sedang mandi, arus deras menerpa kawasan mereka secara tiba-tiba dari kawasan tinggi berhampiran berikutan hujan lebat, kira-kira jam 5 petang. “Saya dan beberapa rakan mandi di tepi dan sempat menyelamatkan diri. Tapi, dua rakan kami yang masih di bahagian tengah sungai tidak sempat naik dan dihanyutkan. “Kami sempat menyelamatkan Mohd Shahrol tetapi Abd Halim hilang dibawa arus. “Kami segera melaporkan kejadian kepada keluarga angkat dan penduduk kampung yang kemudian menghubungi polis, pasukan bomba dan penyelamat serta Rela untuk usaha menyelamat,” katanya. Rakan mangsa yang masih terkejut dengan kejadian itu, berkata mereka tidak menduga kejadian buruk itu berlaku ke atas mereka. Katanya, projek anak angkat itu membabitkan 45 pelajar UKM, Bangi, Selangor, dari pelbagai kursus terdiri daripada 20 lelaki dan 25 perempuan bermula 23 Mac lalu dan dijangka berakhir pada Khamis ini. Menurutnya, semua pelajar menetap dengan keluarga angkat di Kampung Repuh dan menjalankan pelbagai kegiatan membabitkan masyarakat kampung. “Inilah kali pertama saya dan rakan berkelah di pusat perkelahan itu. Kami amat sedih dengan kejadian ini,” katanya ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian, petang kelmarin. Sementara itu, Ketua Operasi Kanan Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Taiping, Ahmad Abd Wahab, berkata sebaik mendapat laporan pasukan, penyelamat mula menjalankan operasi mencari mangsa pada jam 5.20 petang bersama 10 anggota. Katanya, turut membantu ialah pasukan polis dan Rela. “Mayat mangsa ditemui pada jam 6.50 petang, kira-kira 300 meter dari tempat kejadian. Mayat mangsa kemudian dihantar ke Hospital Taiping (HT),” katanya.

"Setiap yang hidup pasti akan merasai mati"
"Kematian itu adalah pasti"

Anyone perfect must be lying, anything easy has its cost.....

Assalammualaikum everyone. Alhamdulillah the SPM result is out last week. And as we all expect that there'll be some increase in the number of students who get straight As. Well As is not something that will give you a bright future. It's rather yourself than else. Congratulations to students who did well in their SPM. To those who's unfortunate, don't be sad with it. Get it over with. Pull yourself together. It's not the end of the world. The real test is just about to start. You guys now are embarking the real ship towards your dreams. What had passed leave it behind to remind you. And future is something that you have to seek for yourself. Remember once you fall it doesn't means that you'll be in the slump forever. It's all about how you getting up again and continue your journey. Insyallah in the future you'll become someone much more important than those who get straight As. Here I have an entry from my friend site, who's now studying in States. Well hope you guys will get something out of it.......

Some point to ponder for SPM graduate ..

Monday March 12 2007 was a day that every high school graduate has been waiting for. A day where the SPM result was announced.
As I expected the number of people getting straight A will increase. Congratulation to those who able to get that result. For those who were not, don't be too upset. This is not the end of your world. There will be more challenging task you will be facing when you study in the university.

My SPM result was not that good. I was not a straight A student in my high school. I was just a mediocre student who likes to spent most of my study time for my other school obligation. My class teacher once labeled me as part time student full time player as I always not around the school for extra co-curriculum activities. People might think I just want to brag myself here as I'm now study in US under MARA. But I would like to reinstate that I was not an excellent student. If you don't believe me, you can ask any of my schoolmate about how was I in high school. Some of my friends might tell you that I was lucky to get this scholarship which I'm not supposed to get it. Now back to my story, eventhough I was not in class, I will make sure that when I'm done with my activities I will go to my classmate to ask for note that I had missed. If I didn't understand, I will ask them to teach me. My friends always there for me to answer my question and they were so reliabale. I have to admit that I understand better when my friends teach me compared to the teacher.That was me when I was in high school.

But here in university I was alone. I don't have many friend whom I can always refer to. If I do have, they are not so reliable to give me a correct answer. They also are not sure whether what they are doing is right or wrong. Eventhough their SPM result was far away better that me, but still they are not sure with what they are doing.

You know why this thing happen? It is because of what you learn in lecture is not enough for you to understand the whole concept of the subject . The lecturer only teach you the main concept but to undertand profoundly of what you learn you need to do some extra work. You need to do some research, reading the whole chapter in the book or reading material that is outside the texbook. Study in the university is not a spoon fed concept, it is all about your eagerness to get knowledge. If you really want to understand the subject, you need to do some extra work to understand it.

This is where your life begin. Your true study skill will be tested. I don't know whether American grading concept is similar to Malaysia or not, but here you are not graded based on one exam, you are graded based on the homework,quiz, test, project and other assignment that is assigned by your lecturer. If you screw up on one of those school work, don't even dream to get an A. To get an A here is 90 above and you need to get almost perfect in all of those criteria that I have mentioned. For mediocre student like me, that is one hell of a goal.

Therefore for students who are not doing so good in their SPM, don't worry too much. You still have chance to amend your mistake. And for those who got straight A especially the one who got 17,18, or 19 As, your success come with a great responsibility. If in the future you want to be a doctor but just end up being a doctor in the same level as someone who got only 9 or 10 As,then shame on you. For your level, you should do better than that. For your level you should do something extraordinary to at least change our society. Be creative and use your brain at your full potential.

Friday Mach 16 2007

Amir, Me, and Hafiz. Brothers, and more than that.....

Assalammualaikum.... There's many thing in this life that we never expect to happen yet they always happen. And we also expect many thing to happen yet they never happen. That's life. Life is so full of suprises. We can always pray to HIM that what we want will happen. And what we never want to not happening. This is the rule of this life. He's the master of everything. He's the one that we must bow to. None other than HIM, Himself.

Today I recieved a text from my little brother. His SPM result (O-level) is out. He managed to get 4A1 3A2 2B2 1B3. Alhamdulillah. Even though it's not so good, it's still good. That's the game of this life. If you're working hard, you'll get the best. But if you don't work really hard enough, you don't deserve any. I've been thinking lately why we always taking this life too easy? Have we ever think about the life after? Are we gonna be in good shape or else?

This had opened my eyes. We should always pray and hope that we'll be prevail. Hope that we'll be saved from the torture of the Hell. Hope that we'll be the good servant. And the list goes on. But remember, even if the list is a mile away if it's not to be work on it'll never gonna to happen.

It's time to turn into a new page. Forget the past for a moment. Look into the new things. The present is something to be work on. The past, is something to be remembered and to be cherished. The future, is something that we had to plan. Always remember my friends luck is not everything. There's nothing as luck. The only thing that we had is our faith in HIM. Remember that he'll never easily give you anything if you're a muslim. Why? Because He loves to listen to the voices of a muslim. It's not that He hates us. But He loves us more. Never hate Him because of that. Yet we should love Him more. And more.

And this is a remembrance for me and to all of my friends. Where ever you are, what ever you do. Remember that He'll always be with us. Never turn away from Him. Even in the hardest or the easiest times. Always cherish Him. Cause the Jannatul-Firdaus surely will be yours. Bi-iznillah.....

8th of March

Assalammualikum and good day everyone.... It's been awhile since my last entry. Well that doesn't mean that I don't have anything to write. The truth is that I didn't find any leisure to write an entry. Probably because we're (me and my friends) having discussion all night except for weekend which I spent most of them playing games (oh, I shouldn't do that).

Well this, entry is specially dedicated to my house mate, Abd Hadi Damanhuri who celebrates his birthday on the 8th of March. He'll turned 20 this year. Well Hadi, it's been 20 years since your first breath on this planet earth. Only one thing to ask ourselves, after all this times, things, life and all of it what have we done in his favors?

After thinking for awhile, the answer should bring up this question, Who am I? And the question will continues until we reach the last answer that surely will bring us closer to HIM. My friends, it's never too late to turn back to the right path. He never denied our right, yet we always deny His. If you were in His place, surely you'll turn your back don't you? Well He's no that kind of thing. Instead He's always been there and still will be for us. In times of fear and chaos. In times of our darkness, our lost.

Never turn your back on something that's love able. Which His love will never disappoint you. Not like others love. Always remember that. You'll never find anyone better than Him. Even your spouse or your love one cannot overcome His love to you...... Only if you love Him hardly. Remember..........

Is love really in the air???

Assalammualaikum.... Alhamdulillah thank to AllAH for his blessing and for what ever I have or I'm now. It's been awhile since my last entry. So far I'm still in the best shape of myself. So what we all know about things that happen everyday? Are we really walking towards light or other way round? Well I'm sure that most of you'll be confused with what I'm about to write.

Do you know what 14 February means? Does it marks anything special? Does it leave anything to you? Hurm..... I'm sure that most of you guys know what is it. It's Valentine. And I'm sure that you guys had or will be receiving a lot messages about it. Either to celebrate it or to forget about it. Well everything depends on you, yourself. No one else have the power to make the choice for you. They only can show you they way. But they cannot help you walk through it.

It's something that really needs us to think about it. What is the main purpose of celebrating it? Does it gives any importance to us? The answer is within yourself. Go ask you iman. If it says no, than no is the answer. But if it says yes, then I think you might be right. I've been reading this one interesting book about how a muslim's teenager should do. It had stated there's 4 main point to be look over.

And one of it is to apply what we had understand about Islam into our daily life. So if you really understand what Islam is all about, I'm sure that you won't have anything to worry about. Because Islam is the most appropriate and the complete religion over all. It cover our daily life. From second to second. Not a single second of our life doesn't have anything to do with Islam. In fact, Islam is how we should live. Islam actually not a religion. It's actually way of life. How we should deal with everything in our life. From cradle to the grave.

So back to the point, is love really in the air? And as I've said, it's all depends on our iman. It's never been anyone or anything else. Only one thing that I want to stress here, Love is really for them who really understand it. It's not how people interpreting it. It's not how you express it. It's not how you make it wonderful. It's something that when you achieved the greatest love, you'll understand everything. So, instead of celebrating the Valentine why don't we seek for the greatest love. I'm sure you'll never regret it, for the rest of your life.

You're what you think. So think of yourself!
Assalammualaikum and good day everyone. Today is the 9th of February. And there's only a few days left for me before starting back my daily life as a medical student. Talking about holiday, I wonder what I've been doing for the past few weeks? Did I used my holiday as it should be? Or did I really mess it with things that I shouldn't do? Hurm it seems that I cannot decide anything.

Since I cannot decide anything to write here. Yeah there's a few things happened recently in Irbid. A few of my friends from Egypt came to visit me and my friends here. I've given a talk about photoshop (hurm..... I wonder how come I'm the one who giving it??? LOL). A few girls' houses been robbed (it seems that we had to declare war with those thugs). And I'm being bored sitting on my ass idle at home....... Well I think that's all. Do I have anything else????

Owh why it must happened to me? Isn't there anyone else that deserved it? Life is so life. It's full of things but not everything are available for you. That's all..... bye XD

iMAD: Islamic Modern Art Day

In conjunction with the semester break, JKK Kebajikan & Penerbitan will organizing iMAD: Islamic Modern Art Day. With the theme, "Tradisi Merentasi Teknologi" which read as Tradition Across Technology.

Date: 7 & 8 February 2007
Place: Ikhwah - Bayt Afif
Akhawat - Bayt Zinnirah

Computer Crash Course
Traditional Games
Poem Recitation
Wallpaper Designing
and many more....

For more information please contact
Ikhwah - Khairul Anwar Ibrahim (nuek)
Akhawat - Lina Farhana Ramli

this advertisement is not paid. If you have any idea for the programs please contact the person in charge. And may we all be blessed by HIM


How's everyone been doing lately? Hope everyone enjoying life as it is. Never more never less than we should. Alhamdulillah, it has been a week since I first start my semester break. In my previous entry I've said that I don't have anything to do for my holidays. Well it seems that everything will change. I've found something to do for the rest of my holidays. It seems that my day will be bright again. Thanks to my friend who had introduced me to the magical world of photo editing.

I'm sure that everyone have heard about Photoshop before? Well it's actually a program which is created to let us edit our own pictures. The sophisticated of the script let us create a simple yet very meaningful master piece. Here I'll show you guys a few of my first try result. Hope you guys will give me some feedback about them. And if you guys have any pictures that really interesting you guys can send them to me via YM or anything means of communication ; as long as it didn't involve anything that's forbidden.

As for the song, I think I'll let you guys listen to this instrumental by Kenny G, Theme From Dying Young. I really enjoy it. Hope you guys too. Till then....

My first try using my very own pic.


What should I do?

Alhamdulillah, Thank to AllAH for lending me this body, this life, and the ni3mah of Iman. Because of HIM I'm still here. Because of HIM I got everything I had and lose what I used to have. Still Alhamdulillah. It's been almost 24 hours since I've finished my 1st semester for the second time (look like it still a long journey I had to take). But right now I'm bored. Don't what to do, where to go or even what to eat. Hurm.... well I guest just let the time determined what I'm gonna do.

So as I'm writing this entry right now, I still don't know what to do. So I guess I'll just write this entry and then wait for Asar prayer then do something that I've been doing for the past few months ; play (yeah it's what I do the best). And after that I don't know what else to do. So if you guys are kind enough please suggest me anything that I can do to make my life more interesting. So until I figured out something to do, I'm gonna let you guys keep listening to my BNL's song : Everything Old is New Again.

p/s: to all my friends from Egypt, Ahla Wa Sahla ila Urdun. and have a nice stay. If you guys read this article and still interested in going for mansaf, do not hesitate to inform me. and do enjoy your stay here.

what does it say?

Everything Old is New Again?

Tol Karam Street where I've been living for the past two years here in Irbid.

Assalammualaikum..... Alhamdulillah, we are here again. On this very earth which was created by HIM, The Almighty AllAH. After all these times, everything that we had done, things that we had in mind, and anything that's related to life we still being blessed with Iman and Islam. Thanks to HIM for everything. New Hijrah year had started. A new year resolution had been made. But after thinking about things that we supposed to do in the past, we should rethink again. About our new resolutions. We should include (the first thing that we should do) in the resolution is doing what should be done in the previous year.

Everything old is new again? What's the meaning of this phrase? Is it simply just a title of a song. Or it is something that have significance. Well the answer is even I don't know. I thought if we replace something old with new things, all of our problem will be solved. Guest I'm wrong. We shouldn't replace them with something new. Instead we only suppose to add the old one with the new stuff. Because we can have both the past and the future in the same time. The past will remind us how blessed we are to be born to this world. To think that we had done something wrong and to fix the mistakes. And the future is something that will make us think.

I've heard a saying said that "We shouldn't think too much about the future cause we won't live our present the most". I think they got a point. We shouldn't think too much about it. Instead we should do our our best in the present to ensure that we wont regret it in the future. I've read an entry in ayub's xanga about where we would reside in the life after. How we would be. Yeah, it really move my mind. There's actually a lot of stuff that we should know. Yet we always think that we had know everything. The truth is, all of our knowledge is actually a drop of ocean of knowledge which belong to HIM, AllAH The Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

So let us all from this very moment, to renew our goal of this life which is to serve HIS cause. Yeah only HIM and no others. Let it be our guide to go through this life. So that in the end, we'll be blessed and being love by HIM. Whose love is the only love that'll last forever.

"Live in dignity, or die as a martyr"

Me, myself, and not otherself

It's been 20 years (almost 21 years), since my first breath on this earth. Wow. It had been that long. But why I'm still the same? The old me? The year 1427H are going to pass. The new year 1428 is nearing. But why I didn't change? Or maybe I've changed. But to my worst. How could this happening to me?

Thank you AllAH for everything that you had given to me all this time. The breath that I take everyday, the foods, the brain, the hands, the legs, the feeling of being lonely, the feeling of joy, the feeling to be love by somebody or anybody, the feeling being appreciated, and all of those feelings. The knowledge that you had given me, the time that you had spent to hear my prays, the love of my family, and all that I have and what I'm today, it's all thank to you.

But do I really mean that word? Thank You? It's seems as simple as saying the word. But the truth is that, it's something that you don't just say it. It's something that you had to apply it, something that you had to make it true by enslaving yourself to HIM, to HIS religion, to HIS kingdom, and to HIM only HIM.

For me, after 20 years of being here, walking this path on this very moment on HIS earth, it never been a single second that I dedicate my life to HIM. I always said that I want to get HIS love. But it's never been a single action in my life that wanting to be love by HIM. I keep thinking, why I'm behaving like this? I always hoping for somebody to come over and guide me to the right path. But it seems to be impossible in this way. Whenever HE gave me some of HIS ni3mah, I keep forget HIM. When HE send HIS trial upon me, I'll be standing on my knee hoping HE will help me. But then when everything turn to normal again, I forgot about HIM again. I don't get it. Why I'm behaving like this.

I'm hoping that in the new year of Hijrah, I'll be someone new. Someone that no one had seen before. I'll be somebody stronger and more faithful to HIS promise, to HIS power and to everything that can be seen or not. O AllAH, lend my some strength to endure this. And may you won't turn me into something that none had wish for; a betrayal. For YOU, YOU are the only one who can do anything to everything. Please unburden me with my gloomy and dark past. Let me see a bright future. A future that will unite every muslim under one banner; banner of truth.

And to all my fellow friends even if I'm not somebody, I just wanna let you guys know that this is only a temporary stop of a longer journey. Never make it your shelter. Never bow to it. Unless you think you can be here forever. Never ever think that this life had nothing to do accept to bow to it. It's may sound harsh, but remember that in the after life you'll understand everything. Believe in HIM as all the Messenger and their companion had done in the past. And may what we had today, will be count as hassanah.

What does it takes...

I'm assure that everyone (especially here in Jordan) are craving for a very good and nice foods. Since we're not where we use to be (Malaysia), no wonder why many of us getting thinner everyday (there's a few went to the opposite way. LOL~). I'm here today to tell you guys how to make a very good Chocolate Drink. Even if you can get MILO in your hand you'll never can out stand it. Hihihihihi...

Ok, first of all what we need is water. Yeah W.A.T.E.R. Since water is a bit problem up here, it's almost as precious as crude oil. Then we need a kettle, good chocolate, a mug, powdered milk, vanilla flavor (I can't find it any here. so i think we had to get from outside.). And not to forget some sugar (either in cube or grounds).

Heat the water till it boils. The put a spoonful of chocolate powder in it. Stir until dissolved. Then, get a bit of the vanilla flavor (it's used to give the nice smell and flavor. you can ignore it if you don't have any.). After that, put is some sugar and milk. Then stir it all. After everything are dissolved, reheat it again. Then you can serve it hot.

Hot chocolate drinks is best served in winter. Cause it can give you the sensation of good foods that you had craved and also the warmth that you need in the coldness of the day or even night. That's it. You already treat yourself with something special.

The main point here is that even our life needs good things in order to be wonderful. That's the purpose of every creation. To make others look wonderful. Embrace your life with something wonderful as Islam. And you'll never forget it forever. Even in the afterlife.

“Always do right - this will gratify some and astonish the rest.”

The World Is Against Me

By Edgar A. Guest

"The world is against me," he said with a sigh.
"Somebody stops every scheme that I try.
The world has me down and it's keeping me there;
I don't get a chance. Oh, the world is unfair!
When a fellow is poor then he can't get a show;
The world is determined to keep him down low."

"What of Abe Lincoln?" I asked. "Would you say
That he was much richer than you are to-day?
He hadn't your chance of making his mark,
And his outlook was often exceedingly dark;
Yet he clung to his purpose with courage most grim
And he got to the top. Was the world against him?"

"What of Ben Franklin? I've oft heard it said
That many a time he went hungry to bed.
He started with nothing but courage to climb,
But patiently struggled and waited his time.
He dangled awhile from real poverty's limb,
Yet he got to the top. Was the world against him?

"I could name you a dozen, yes, hundreds, I guess,
Of poor boys who've patiently climbed to success;
All boys who were down and who struggled alone,
Who'd have thought themselves rich if your fortune they'd known;
Yet they rose in the world you're so quick to condemn,
And I'm asking you now, was the world against them?"

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"
Copyright © CHRONICLEofanwar