Before I forgot, I want to congratulate all seniors that passed the final year exam and already on the road to a bigger journey. To them who didn't make it, never feel sad. If you want to feel, so take your time. But don't take it too long. There still a lot of other stuff to do. Just remember this moment. May it be something that will keep you working harder for the rest of your life.
For all of my friends, I would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday. Use them wisely. Plan your holiday. So you won't regret in the end. May all the best be with you. As for everyone, thank you for your support. InsyAllah we'll be better day by day. Never forget your worst moment of your life as it will be your motivation to keep walking toward. May Allah bless us all with His mercifulness and graciousness.
Till we meet again someday.
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