Hayya bil Jihad (lets go for Jihad)

Jihad? What is that word really means. Does it means go out there and kill everyone? Who are these "everyone". I think most of people out there think that Jihad means killing people without sparing anyone in it's path. Well you guys got it wrong. And thats what the zionist want everyone to think. Even the moslems. It is sad to hear hear that even the moslems brother themself misunderstood this term. They should think back what had been done by the earlier moslems to gain what we had today (as for this moment, most of it had been taken away by AllAH due to our foolishness and greediness).

Well I don't really know the exact translation of Jihad. It is actually an Arabic word. From my oppinion, it means striving or doing the best one can do in any field. And this always been misinterpreted by the western as they were always being told that it means "holy war". Well here is the fun fact: "You guys are so wrong!!!!". The zionist always us this term to go war with the moslems. (And after they finished with moslems they will go war with everyone. Don't believe it, well you better believe it).

Islam always want everyone to live in peaceful. As you should know at the time of prophet Muhammad PBUH, that the Mecca citizen were built on few religions. There is no force for them to convert to Islam. Most of them convert to Islam because they understand what Islam really means. And they really treasure it as Islam had change their life from worst to the better. Islam had bring peace all over the world. It's concept of living as a living body, that if a part of the body is being hurt the others will feel it too. This concept which had brought Saladin (1138-1193) to lead the army of Islam to victory liberating Jerusalem. Why do he want to liberate Jerusalem? Does it possessed anything special to him?

Well the answer is that it possess a 'treasure' which everyone around the world even all religions want to hold their hadn on it. It is the holy place for Islam, Christian, and Jew. But what happen today that the Jews are so cruel and greed. They want all the place by themself (Owh actually they took it from the Moslems and claimed it theirs. As the truth is that there is nothing left for them over there). They were once the promised people. People who were given so many prophets that they kill most them. And that's why AllAH took their dignity and made them the worst people of all times.

They thought that they are the choosen people. As they only refer to their old and already being twisted 'book' by thier leader who love power and status. They actually know that they will be other religion that AllAH sent. And they knew that Islam is the last and the promised religion to succeed at the end. But still they try to deny it because if they admit it, there won't be any Jew anymore. They will loss their possessions. They will loss their status. And the most of all is that they had to admit that Muhammad PBUH were sent from another tribe, Hasyimiah (an Arabs tribe). Not the Jews. They will be no more Israel.

While they denying the truth of Islam, they try to crush it. Into million pieces. Start by giving bribes to the moslems leader. Promising power for them. And supporting plans to demolish Islam by corrupted moslems leader. There are too many eamples to give. If you know the real Islam, you can distinguish the true moslems leader and the corrupt one. Thats what we see in middle east. Not to forget that this well organize crime are also spreading through out the world. Let say the South East Asia. Countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. This organization had long rooting in these countries. They had built their network through the goverment agencies. They manipulate the man-made laws to deny the truth that Quran brought. Recently they had surfacing their movement. They already using the "legal" ways to deny Islam. As for example the Article 11 in the constitution of Malaysia. It said that everyone had their right to choose and practice their religion. This is include the moslems (this is what happen when people use the man-made laws instead of laws of AllAH).

Back to our main point about Jihad. As i had mention ealier there are many ways to go for Jihad. War is the last resort that we have after the modest ways of Jihad are not efficacy anymore. And while we have choices, there are thousand of ways. Like studying, trading, being a leader, helping people, and more to be name. What I want to hilight here is studying. Studying is a way of Jihad. Because with studying we will gain knowledge that will brought us further than we are today. With knowledge we will be able to conquer the world. As for today, artillary, calvary are not the only means of war. Thinking, politics, influence and more are also included in today arsenal. Actually with these kind of weapon, it will bring more damage than the state of the art intercontinental balistic missile (ICBM).

So as a moslem student, we had to do what we had to do. Do our responsible. Get as much as we can information on anything. Even today simplest thing will be the greatest weapon of tomorrow. But remember, that we had to do all these things not for our own interest. Not for our nations. But it is for the ummah. Lets bring back what we had lost a long time ago ; Khilafah Islamiyah (khilafah means the leadership of a moslems leader which his action is based on al-Quran and as-Sunnah). Let the ummah rise once again on this land. We may and we may not be here to see it. But as long as our soul are bind to these body, we will strive to the last. May Islam rise again.

"Dan perangilah mereka itu, sehingga tidak ada fitnah lagi dan (sehingga) ketaatan itu hanya semata-mata untuk Allah. Jika mereka berhenti (dari memusuhi kamu), maka tidak ada permusuhan (lagi), kecuali terhadap orang-orang yang zalim." Surah al-Baqarah (193)


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