Well today, I'm going to write something that I've should write long ago. What really happen here in the middle-east-conflict? The story actually begins late in 1936 when the British (the conqueror at that time) had decide to give the Jews a piece of land (what will you do when a foreign people come to your land and claim it to be theirs'?). Well it doesn't go very well between the local and the 'authorities'. And the resistant started. Yet the local were denied their rights. Their lands were taken with force. They were killed so that the 'foreign' people can live in harmony. But that didn't stop the locals. They fight back. And most of the Arab countries 'help' them (well actually the did help the Palestinians. they did help them to lose their lands. they sent their soldiers to the battlefield. but they said that each bullet that were shoot, should be pay by the shooter. what that really means?).
And after a few series of war between the Jews and the Arab countries, the Jews win. They have gained their 'right' on the others land. And yet all the Arab kings didn't do anything to stop them (since everyone were enjoying wealth that were given to them as bribe to lost in the war. *damn*). The conflict between the Palestinian and Israelis didn't stop there. They were exchanging attack between those two sites. As time goes by, the conflict turns into war. And it is said that this will be the fourth world war (since the Iraq invasion were claimed to be the third world war). But what actually triggered the war? We heard from the 'trusted' source that the war is actually a campaign by the Zionist to free their soldiers captured. But why the Hezbollah and Hamas denied their wish? The truth is that these parties actually want them to release the innocent people that were captured and sent to the concentration camp. And who this people are? There are old women, young children, and weak people. Yet the Israel turned down their demand. And they started to kill everyone (by everyone I mean every single living body in that land).
So who's the one to be blame? Whose lives are more precious? And there are many more questions that we should answer in order to get the real insight of this conflict. And for your information, this war isn't just about land, isn't just about soldiers, or not even about the people, but it's actually between religion. You may say that I'm execrating about small matter. But it is about religion. Because since the day our prophet Muhammad PBUH was born, these Zionisthad sweared to kill every Moslem because they know that Muhammad PBUH is the last prophet. Muhammad PBUH didn't come from the Jews descended. But He comes from the Arab tribe's called Hasyimiah. This has added to their hate for Moslems. And yet the Moslems leader never does a right thing to defend these things from happen. So let us thing now about this. As a Moslemwe should be thinking and even contributing to the growth of Islam. We always pray to Allah to give victory to us. But do we actually working to get it? Do we do what He asked us to do? So as I've said before, answer all questions to get the insight. May Allah lead us to the right path. May we blessed with His bless. May the Khilafah raise again. Do what we have to do, even if it as simple as donating a ringgit to our brothers and sisters in need.
Remember, AllAH will help people who He wants. As He has the right to do so.........

A kid being captured trying to protect himself

Is there any hope left for this child?

Who gonna fight for their death?
What say you?
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