Today, we should be thankful to HIM for lending us this life, this body, this time, and this iman. Thank you for creating us and letting us walk this world. We would never be here today if you didn't create us in the first place. Even you had done a lot for us, we always forget what we had done for you. We never obey your oders. We never please you. We never do the things that we all supposed to do ; pray to you. Even we had done it, I don't think it'll be enough. Even we all had pray and devoting our life all these years, it would never be enough.
Yet you are so kind letting us stay here. Walk this earth. Eating, drinking, sleeping, reading, studying and many more. Countless more things that we all had done. You didn't want anything else except for devoting ourselves to you. But that was something that we all been neglecting all these times. We all to pround to say Alhamdulillah for even once after every breath that we had. We all never pray to you at the fixed time. We seldom read quran yet have a lot of times to read comics and manga. We never learn from the surah that we had read but we always crying after watching movies. We never practice zikr but we always singing till morning.
What had happen to us? What are we? Are we someone or something that rule this world? Or just someone who just passing this world to another world? If you are the latest, act like one. Stop everything that is wrong and do the right things. Think like one. Always remember that our existance on this world is only a temporary. It's never gonna be forever. The destination that we are heading is Over There. After all, we are created only to collect things that is necessary in order to be living happily over there. The life after this is the life of eternity. How we are going to survive in that place if we didn't had what it takes to excel over there. Think again, and act. Cause the day of doom is nearing. We never knew when it'll be coming.
"Who are the learned? Those who practice what they know." (Bukhari)
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