Examinations are coming like never ending wave towards the beach. one after another is like a chain reaction. Well that how things work here in medical school (esp. in Jordan). this is a life that I had choosed. So whether I like it or not, I have to endure it. Just a little bit. Not for along time. Back to my life. Nothing really important happening to me (at least not life threatening. Alhamdulillah). Right now, as I'm writting there's a thousand people out there still striving to do something for living. But for me, Alhamdulillah thank to HIM for all of these things HE had given me. Maybe it's a little, still it's something worth to be thank to HIM for (actually everything that we had we shoul thank HIM).
Right now, I'm listening to Barenaked Ladies an old and I don't think nowadays kids will remember or even know about them (well I'm really sorry cause I'm not really a songs lover not even nasyeed). But this band I've known only for a few weeks I think. First I've read about them in a portal called BoingBoing. It's a cool site where you can get something that you won't get on any ordinary search engine or any formal sites. It's actually almost something new (even if it has been there for like the last few years). Actually there's a lot of new things that I wanna to share with you guys. But I don't know if they'll fit for all ages and everyone. Cause probably somebody will say that I'm a bit too open. Well to tell you the truth, I just read anything or everything that they have in internet. And then I'll be judging either is it suitable for me or not.
So it won't hurt to read something about others. Actually it'll give you something new. New insight. New hope. And a brand new horizon on how you view things. Maybe before this, you always stick to the main stream. Well sometimes in order to success you have to try something new (as long as it's not against our religion). Insyallah you'll be someone new. Even a good preacher need to know something about the world. A good preacher is a person who knows many things. Because not everyone or eveything will fit into our conventional knowledge. Something that's out of our normality has to be tackled by something that is out of normality too.
I've read an interview of a Young Mufti in Sarawak I think in NST not a few days ago. Well he said that muslim nowadays didn't understang the power of our religion (well it's something to be expect from someone who didn't even now how they got into Islam). The only religion that'll be accepted by HIM. I'm not going to elaborate it. But insyallah I'll make an entry dedicated to that subject. Biiznillah.
About the last entry, one of my friends said to me that "the past is something to be appreciated, future is something that we're facing", what really count into choosing either future or past is what we're after. Maybe it's not too clear for most you guys, but my point here is that in our life we should know what we want. Before making a choice you should know what you want. Is it hard to know which one? Not it's not. You guys must be wandering why I'm saying that. Well you guys already had the answer (yeah you guys already had that). And what is that? The answer is two things that had been left for us by our prophet Muhammad, Quran and Hadith (his wisdom words from AllAH). There you are. The answer. Why we always trying so hard thinking about something that we shouldn't have to be thinking about (esp. me)?
Umph, I guess that's all for now. And I'm having general pharmacology test this Wednesday. Please pray for so I'll be the best. We are the best, still the best and will always be the best. And all thank to HIM for his graciousness and wisdom........
“Success is not to be measured by the position someone has reached in life, but the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.”
Examinations are coming like never ending wave towards the beach. one after another is like a chain reaction. Well that how things work here in medical school (esp. in Jordan). this is a life that I had choosed. So whether I like it or not, I have to endure it. Just a little bit. Not for along time. Back to my life. Nothing really important happening to me (at least not life threatening. Alhamdulillah). Right now, as I'm writting there's a thousand people out there still striving to do something for living. But for me, Alhamdulillah thank to HIM for all of these things HE had given me. Maybe it's a little, still it's something worth to be thank to HIM for (actually everything that we had we shoul thank HIM).
Right now, I'm listening to Barenaked Ladies an old and I don't think nowadays kids will remember or even know about them (well I'm really sorry cause I'm not really a songs lover not even nasyeed). But this band I've known only for a few weeks I think. First I've read about them in a portal called BoingBoing. It's a cool site where you can get something that you won't get on any ordinary search engine or any formal sites. It's actually almost something new (even if it has been there for like the last few years). Actually there's a lot of new things that I wanna to share with you guys. But I don't know if they'll fit for all ages and everyone. Cause probably somebody will say that I'm a bit too open. Well to tell you the truth, I just read anything or everything that they have in internet. And then I'll be judging either is it suitable for me or not.
So it won't hurt to read something about others. Actually it'll give you something new. New insight. New hope. And a brand new horizon on how you view things. Maybe before this, you always stick to the main stream. Well sometimes in order to success you have to try something new (as long as it's not against our religion). Insyallah you'll be someone new. Even a good preacher need to know something about the world. A good preacher is a person who knows many things. Because not everyone or eveything will fit into our conventional knowledge. Something that's out of our normality has to be tackled by something that is out of normality too.
I've read an interview of a Young Mufti in Sarawak I think in NST not a few days ago. Well he said that muslim nowadays didn't understang the power of our religion (well it's something to be expect from someone who didn't even now how they got into Islam). The only religion that'll be accepted by HIM. I'm not going to elaborate it. But insyallah I'll make an entry dedicated to that subject. Biiznillah.
About the last entry, one of my friends said to me that "the past is something to be appreciated, future is something that we're facing", what really count into choosing either future or past is what we're after. Maybe it's not too clear for most you guys, but my point here is that in our life we should know what we want. Before making a choice you should know what you want. Is it hard to know which one? Not it's not. You guys must be wandering why I'm saying that. Well you guys already had the answer (yeah you guys already had that). And what is that? The answer is two things that had been left for us by our prophet Muhammad, Quran and Hadith (his wisdom words from AllAH). There you are. The answer. Why we always trying so hard thinking about something that we shouldn't have to be thinking about (esp. me)?
Umph, I guess that's all for now. And I'm having general pharmacology test this Wednesday. Please pray for so I'll be the best. We are the best, still the best and will always be the best. And all thank to HIM for his graciousness and wisdom........
“Success is not to be measured by the position someone has reached in life, but the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.”
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