"Life is not like a cup of Adni Tea. But it's actually like that guy in the blue 'baju melayu'. Hehehe"
It's been a awhile since the last entry. There's so many things had happen recently. Many of enjoying moments and few breaking heart moments. But after all, it's life. Alhamdulillah now I'm in Ramadhan again. Thought that I may never reach this time again of this year. After all that happen. But many thanks to AllAH for HIM that let me living till this very moment.
I remember that the same month of the last year me and friends started our second year as a medical student. There's a lot new things that we had learn. After few time, we realized that life is not as easy as it seems to be. But with the strength that HE had lended to us, we manage to survive. After all, this's what makes a man, man again.
Now it seems that everyone had changed. Yeah, people change. I know. But I don't know if I'll be able to cope with it. I hope that I'll do. Insyallah. Well to all of my friends out there, what ever you do, never give up. Coz, if you ever tripped it's not like the end of our life cycle. It's actually a sign that want us to reallize what we had done. It's not the STOP WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING sign. It's just a BREAK AND THINK WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING sign.
Hahahaha, it's funny when I really said that. But it's a fact that everyone had to bear. After all it's just plain and simple ME-self. And since it's already Ramadhan, there's a lot of other things that I want to do. And to all of my friends whose been reading my blog (if there's any), I would like to wish you guys Ramadhan Kareem, Kullu 3am Wa Antum Bi Kher (which means You'll be fine trough out the year).
Thank you for being there for me. A friendship that had been built, will remain as it is till the very end. Nothing can change it except for HIM, as HE is the almighty. Thank you for being there for me. And again to all of my friends, what's done let it be. What's in the future is really our concern. Never turn back again. Just have a glims of it for us to remember it. I really don't care what had passed. What really concern me right now is the future. Because past cannot promise me anything except for pain and suffer. But future really loaded with joy and greatness. Insyallah, life is a complicated things that make a man, man.
I just woke up from a long sleep just to reallize how many things that I've missed. Out of all, Alhamdulillah I'm still here. Till then, I think I'll leave you guys with this very interesting song from the Green Day, Wake Me Up When September Ends. Bye, wslm~
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