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Apa khabar iman anda??

Keindahan ciptaan-Nya lambang kekuasaan~

Tajdid Iman: Keimanan rapuh punca hati resah
Bersama Dr Juanda Jaya

Manusia perlu elak dikuasai nafsu

PUNCA-PUNCA kesedihan - jika ada satu alat yang sesuai
untuk mengukur kekuatan iman, tentulah alat itu adalah
'hati'. Allah SWT menjadikan hati itu hidup dan
berfungsi sebagai pusat kawalan bagi anggota badan
manusia. Seseorang yang suka menyentuh hatinya dan
merawat dengan baik akan semakin mengenali dirinya

Jika gelisah, sedih dan putus asa menguasai diri, dia
akan bertanya kepada hati apakah sebabnya? Kemudian
ilmu diperlukan untuk menjawab soalan, akal diguna
sambil hati memandu cuba merungkai penyebab kesedihan
itu. Akhirnya ditemukan jawapan punca kesedihan,
kemurungan, gelisah dan tekanan pada diri manusia

Suka membuang masa. Hiburan dan permainan boleh
merehatkan hati dan menjadikannya lebih bertenaga,
tetapi apabila terlalu berlebihan ia boleh membunuh.
Orang mukmin membahagikan masanya kepada tiga
bahagian, iaitu;

Pertama untuk Allah SWT; kedua untuk dirinya sendiri
yang meliputi fikiran, perasaan dan tubuh badannya dan
ketiga untuk keluarga dan umatnya. Sikap membuang masa
biasanya dipengaruhi oleh persekitaran. Manusia akan
mudah terpengaruh dengan apa yang dilihat dan didengar
daripada pergaulan. Berkawan rapat dengan orang yang
suka membaca boleh mempengaruhi minat kita kepada
buku, begitu juga bila suka iktikaf di masjid
mendengarkan syarahan agama akan menjadikan kita dekat
dengan ilmu.

Kita sentiasa berhadapan dengan dua pilihan dalam
hidup ini, jalan baik atau yang buruk. Kawan yang
jahil atau soleh, situasi mengingatkan kita pada Allah
atau melupakannya. Membuang masa menyebabkan kemalasan
yang berakhir dengan kegagalan, sedih dan tertekan.
Seorang mukmin yang benar imannya sentiasa berada
dalam situasi jihad iaitu bersungguh-sungguh mengisi
masanya dengan perjuangan dan pengorbanan untuk
memenangi pertarungan melawan iblis dan syaitan.

Kesedihan juga berpunca daripada sifat dengki dan
mengikut nafsu. Ada orang berasa sedih menyaksikan
orang lain yang mengatasi kehebatannya. Lebih berjaya,
kaya, berpangkat, cantik dan bergaya. Risau dan
tertekan bersarang di hati, ditambah dengan sifat
dengki dan dendam yang pasti akan memalapkan cahaya

Ubat bagi kesedihan sebegini adalah dengan melihat
siapa yang berada di bawah anda. Bukankah ramai
manusia yang tiada apa-apa untuk dimakan pada hari
ini? Rumah mereka musnah oleh banjir dan badai, anak
dan isteri mereka mati di hadapan mata kerana tembusan
peluru, kehancuran bangsa dan negara oleh kekejaman
perang. Mengapa perlu bersedih jika kita masih
memiliki orang yang tersayang, mengapa risau jika
harta kita dilindungi Allah SWT, jika ia berkurangan
bukankah selama ini Allah memberi jumlah yang banyak
tak terhitung? Semenjak dari rahim ibu lagi rezeki
sudah dikurniakan kepada kita. Sudikah kita jika
seseorang mahu menukar kedua mata, kaki dan tangan
kita dengan wang berjuta? Tentu ia lebih berharga
daripada wang. Kenikmatan yang Allah kurniakan itu
terlalu banyak, tetapi hanya sedikit manusia yang mahu

Kesedihan kerana melupakan Allah. Bagaimanakah keadaan
orang yang melupakan Allah? Dalam surah Al-Hasyr ayat
19 Allah SWT berfirman yang maksudnya: “Dan janganlah
kamu menjadi seperti orang-orang yang melupakan Allah.
Lalu Allah menjadikan mereka melupakan diri mereka.
Mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasiq.”

Makna melupakan diri mereka sendiri adalah mereka
meninggalkan amal soleh yang boleh menyelamatkan diri
mereka di dunia dan akhirat. Orang yang melupakan
Allah SWT mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti berikut;

Hari dilalui tanpa ibadat, lupa berzikir, mengabaikan
sembahyang, tidak membaca ayat al-Quran, menjauhi ilmu
dan meninggalkan amal soleh. Kehidupan dunia
menjadikan mereka buta, tidak dapat menjejaki jalan ke
akhirat. Keadaan mereka seperti binatang kerana mereka
hidup semata-mata untuk makan, minum, tidur, berkahwin
dan memuaskan nafsu saja.

Ini sesuai dengan firman-Nya yang bermaksud: “Dan
sesungguhnya kami jadikan untuk isi neraka jahanam
kebanyakan jin dan manusia, mereka memiliki hati tapi
tidak dipergunakan untuk memahami ayat-ayat Allah, dan
mereka memiliki mata tetapi tidak dipergunakan untuk
melihat tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah dan mereka
memiliki telinga tetapi tidak dipergunakan untuk
mendengar ayat-ayat Allah. Mereka itu seperti binatang
ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah
orang-orang yang lalai.” (Surah Al-A'raf: 179).

Benarkah orang yang kaya tidak berasa sedih, putus asa
dan tertekan? Sebenarnya, ia bergantung kepada sumber
hartanya dan untuk apa ia dibelanjakan. Kekayaan yang
sebenar adalah kaya hati. Iaitu hati yang sentiasa
bergembira kerana iman kepada Allah dan bersyukur
serta reda dengan qada dan qadar-Nya.

INFO: Hati sebagai alat kawalan manusia

Allah SWT menjadikan hati itu hidup dan berfungsi
sebagai pusat kawalan bagi anggota badan manusia.

Orang yang merawat hatinya dengan pelbagai amalan
dituntut syariah pasti akan mengenali diri.

Hiburan berlebihan, sifat dengki, mengikut nafsu dan
lupa kepada kebesaran Allah SWT penyebab kepada
‘kesedihan’ hati.

Mukmin yang hatinya sentiasa menekankan tuntutan
syariah akan membahagikan masa untuk Allah SWT, diri
sendiri dan untuk keluarga serta umat

tribute to setsuko.
nice article~

Why these things happen to me....

A new week, new entry. For the past few weeks I've been fooling around after the 1st exams. Since the 2nd exam is like 3 weeks away, I've decided to lay back for awhile. Breathing, talking, watching movies and series, and getting together with friends. And all of the 1st exam marks are out. Alhamdulillah I've passed. But still I didn't really understand why I got marks like that. It supposed to be higher (after all I'm repeating the 2nd year which I've go through last year). Guess something is missing. Some touches. Something that really dear to me (or is it someone?). Well I don't really know about,

To tell the truth, I'm really feeling lonely right now. Even with a lot friends around me, I still feel lonely. Did I miss my family back in Malaysia? I don't know. I always feel like that. So I don't think it'll count. I think I'm longing for someone to share my problems. But I don't really ready for as I'm not into that kind of friendship (for the time being). So what is it I'm longing for. Something that really makes me feel like this.

Maybe from outside people may say that I'm kinda 'tough' emotionally. But deep down inside I'm just a mere human being. Nothing about me is so special. I'm not comparing myself with others. Hey, why I'm always writing about something that I feel. Or maybe because what it has to say about this blog, THE UNTOLD STORIES??? Hah. Anyway I'm just a human.

Sometimes (but I think almost all the times), we keep asking why is something that we hoped that it'll never happened to us happened? It's something that had to do with what we had done? Or is it something that had to do with our surrounding? Well, I wish I had the answer. Yeah, I wish and I pray!! Umph. Really not in the mood. But life must go on. Either we like it or not, it's something that had been written for us since the day we were created inside our mom's womb.

Oh AllAH lend me some strength to keep me walk my destiny. Even if I'll be hurt along the way, I hope that I won't whining about it. But please guide me to right path. After all these times I've been neglecting your orders. I hope and I pray that you won't quit on me. On my family, my friends, and all of my brothers and sisters. I know something will be there for us if we follow you, still people make mistakes. Sometimes it's something that unforgiveable on people eyes yet YOU always be there. I just hope that I'll be good. And things that happened to me, In your willing I'll take it as something to remind me of who am I, peacefully~

good old days

Me and my friends in Bujairami 1999

Sending my friend off to Russia

Our first trip to J.U.S.T. So naive~

Having dinner with some Malaysian delegates

If tomorrow never comes

Today, we should be thankful to HIM for lending us this life, this body, this time, and this iman. Thank you for creating us and letting us walk this world. We would never be here today if you didn't create us in the first place. Even you had done a lot for us, we always forget what we had done for you. We never obey your oders. We never please you. We never do the things that we all supposed to do ; pray to you. Even we had done it, I don't think it'll be enough. Even we all had pray and devoting our life all these years, it would never be enough.

Yet you are so kind letting us stay here. Walk this earth. Eating, drinking, sleeping, reading, studying and many more. Countless more things that we all had done. You didn't want anything else except for devoting ourselves to you. But that was something that we all been neglecting all these times. We all to pround to say Alhamdulillah for even once after every breath that we had. We all never pray to you at the fixed time. We seldom read quran yet have a lot of times to read comics and manga. We never learn from the surah that we had read but we always crying after watching movies. We never practice zikr but we always singing till morning.

What had happen to us? What are we? Are we someone or something that rule this world? Or just someone who just passing this world to another world? If you are the latest, act like one. Stop everything that is wrong and do the right things. Think like one. Always remember that our existance on this world is only a temporary. It's never gonna be forever. The destination that we are heading is Over There. After all, we are created only to collect things that is necessary in order to be living happily over there. The life after this is the life of eternity. How we are going to survive in that place if we didn't had what it takes to excel over there. Think again, and act. Cause the day of doom is nearing. We never knew when it'll be coming.

"Who are the learned? Those who practice what they know." (Bukhari)

Live ur Life~

Life is so full of unexpected things. I think that's why they call life. Because there won't be life without supprises. Supprises are like the spices of our life. It's somehting that I think The Creator made to make our life more interesting. Can you imagine, that you wake up everyday doing all the same stuff? It'll be lame isn't it? But imagine that you wakeup everyday full of supprises. You would like your life. Cause everyday are not the same. It has it's own pattern. So why we always keep bugging ourself thinking something that we had done. If it's something that benefit us, it's ok. But most of us (including me) sometimes bother to think about something that we had done.

Well, the supprises of life are so wonderful. But it sometimes can be so mean. So we had to think our every move. But we must remember, we always should learn from others mistakes. As there's a saying said, "Learn from others mistakes, cause we are too busy to do by ourself". Learning from mistakes is something that we should treasure. Because without mistakes we won't know the right way to do something. From mistakes we can learn a lot of things. Such as, "No one is perfect". Even the most perfect man on the earth had done some mistakes. Even the prophet Himself had done some mistakes. But remember, always take a lesson everytime we fall. Because we should never fall twice in the same place.

Life is so wonderful. But most of us too busy thinking about something that had not happen. We too busy thinking about our future and we didn't enjoy the moment that we have right now. The air that we breath. The beautiful sceneries that we had. And wonderful friendship that we had built. Well, if you feel like that stop it. Take sometimes to enjoy your life. Don't bother about others. Just think of your happiness. Be happy. Always be happy. As this comes from my personal experience. I would say that I had such a wonderful life. But I never enjoy it. I always busy, bothering myself with other stuff that I would say "rubbish". I never feel great to be myself. I never thank HIM for what I'm today. All I do is keep hoping for something better to happen to me.

Hopping for something to turn up according to our expectation is not something that good. We should happy, and enjoy our life to the fullest. Cause we never know what life had for us in the future. Maybe something very nice (as we hope), or maybe things turn out to be something that we hate the most. Well, life's too short to think about that. To worry about it. Move on. Live your life as you like (as long as the things that we do are not contradict to our syaria). The rest, live. LIVE! LIVE!!!!!

"If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?"
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